Lower back’s muscles are among the most important in the whole muscular system, since besides the strength and stability in every move, offer security and safety in the lower back, a vital and sensitive part of the human body.  All we have to is think that every basic exercise such as deadlifts, squats, rowing etc demands a strong lower back. Along with it, in our daily life the hours of standing or sitting also demand strong lower back to prevent pains.

Lower Back bench X-FIT 32 can support our training of lower back muscles, along with glutes and hamstrings with safety and effectiveness..

The 90o degrees angle allows our body to complete a full motion, lowering the upper body lower, training all the lower back, glutes and hamstring line. It has two grips for us to adjust our body easier and a leather pad with a little curve to make it more functional.
In X-FIT 32 we also can train our plevric abs and the more experienced users can even workout their abs with a hyperextension crunch.
The steel frame guarantees complete safety and security and its high design can fit in any domestic environment.

Maximum load weight: 200 kg
Machine weight: 18 Kg
Dimensions (LxWxH): 140 x 74x (108 ~ 128) cm


Once, for a Lifetime.